In the current market, laser engraving machine has a wide range of applications. Many customers also make money by relying on the laser engraving machine. In fact, the machine is prone to wear during use, so various different problems may occur. At this time, we should know what kind of problems are common. People will find that the uneven bottom is also a common fault. How should we solve it?

When using the laser engraving machine, some people may easily find that there is no way to clean the uneven bottom. This is because the processing speed is relatively fast, or the blowing flow is not correct. Some people also find that the selection of the focusing lens is unreasonable, so it is obvious that there is a convex feeling of words or no words, and it is very obvious. In order to effectively change all these, we should first find the reason, Then targeted improvement can be achieved.

When using the laser engraving machine, if such a situation occurs, it should be solved in the near future. During the solution, it is necessary to carefully check whether there is any abnormality in the optical path, and then reduce the processing speed as much as possible to ensure that there is no powder adhesion. If the laser power supply is found to be inappropriate after the inspection, it also needs to be replaced at the first time. At the same time, it should also be considered that the depth of processing is more than, This is a common solution. Generally, after selecting the above methods, such situations can be effectively changed.